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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Law of Attraction: The Science of Creating Wealth
by: Nicole Matoushek MPH, PT

So this title caught your attention? That means you want to learn more about creating wealth. The good news is, is creating wealth is something anyone and everyone can do. Read this article; know that there is a science, a system to getting rich and creating wealth. By applying the law of attraction and other universal laws, you will get rich. Learn the science of getting rich, study it, practice it and then start to attract the riches that you so strongly desire. Hold on to your vision, your dreams and hold steadfast to your goals, and remember, often times, it is not the destination that makes us happy, it is the journey! Law of Attraction Understanding the Law of Attraction is most critical to your success and in obtaining prosperity and wealth. Simply put the Law of Attraction states that “I attract into my life whatever I give my energy, focus and attention to, whether unwanted or wanted or conscious or unconscious.” This means that you can have anything you choose, no matter how big it is. This means if we learn how to apply the law of attraction, we can learn how to achieve success, prosperity and wealth. We can receive greater levels of income, than we ever dreamed. The Law of Attraction works because we all have one infinite Power; a God, Higher Power or Universe, and that we all guide ourselves by laws; natural laws of the universe, such as the law of gravity, cause and effect, polarity, action and reaction, and the law of attraction. The law of attraction can best be described as a magnetic force, that like thoughts attract like experiences. That these laws of nature are so precise, that when man thinks about things, he or she can accomplish miracles. The law of attraction says that everything in your life is attracted to you by your thoughts. The Universe takes these thoughts as instructions, and manifests what you think about and focus on, into your life’s experience. What kind of instructions have you given the universe so far? Think about this for a moment, if you think and focus about how poor and financially strained you are, you will become poorer and more in debt. The more you think and focus on your current situation, wanted or unwanted, the more tolerable or intolerable your situation will become. If you worry and are angry about your lack of money, wealth or prosperity, you are practically guaranteeing yourself an experience of lack of wealth, money and prosperity. If you are constantly jealous and bitter towards others, as they have wealth and you do not, you are going to attract more jealousy and bitterness into your experience. What you resist persists and what you fear perseveres. Our Thoughts have Frequencies Our thoughts have frequencies, so when you think about or imagine what you want, such as great wealth, success and prosperity, your thoughts go out to the universe or Higher Power and the universe or Higher Power brings it to you. So if you see yourself living the life of the rich, in a fabulous house, with an expensive car, glamorous clothing and fine arts, you will attract this into your experience. So whether you are thinking about your past experiences, your present situation or your future, and whether you are remembering, observing or imagining, the universe or Higher Power is listening and responding by bringing that thought and those things right back to you. I recommend you start to think rich! Attracting Thoughts and Things by Using your Mind Your mind is a sender and receiver of information far beyond the five senses. You can attract thoughts and things into your life, just by using your mind. Think about driving on some remote country road. You try scanning your radio to find a new radio station for some good traveling music. Until you tune into a station, you will not hear the music. But that does not mean that it is not already out there, nor that other people are not already listening to it. The same principle applies to whatever you are attracting into your life. What you are experiencing is dependent upon what frequencies your thoughts are emitting their information on. When you send it out thoughts or information, a message to the Universe or Higher Power, by the power and vibrations of your mind and of your thoughts, you will attract it back to you, into your experience. It is quite a complex theory the first time you hear and consider it. But as you think about it and look around into your world, you will see that indeed this is true. It is a universal law. Chronic Ways of Thought If one has a prolonged negative chronic way of thinking about their lack of wealth and prosperity, their debt, according to the law of attraction, these thoughts will manifest into existence. Their experience will be that of more debt and lack of money. If one is thinking of how great their financial success and wealth is, they will have more wealth. If one can accept and practice this concept, one can transform their life. The key concept to take away is that we are all the architects of our life, good or bad. All of our problems are created by us and us alone, not by your parents, partner, boss, friends, accident, upbringing or family. All of our successes were created by us and us alone, not by luck or chance. We have created them, each and every one. This may be really difficult to accept if this is the first time you are hearing this concept. But once you do, your life can transform into a whole new world, with unlimited possibilities and success, good fortune and prosperity. So change those thoughts about lack of money into thoughts of an abundance of money. Learn the techniques of visualization, goal setting, using a systematic approach to creating wealth and you will have it, the law of attraction is as predictable as the sun setting and rising. Seek information to master these skills, visit and for free information and programs to help you succeed, quickly! We have the power to attract more good things, more good fortune into our experience. One just needs to learn how to apply the laws of attraction and remain focused on what he or she really wants. Consistent thought and affirmations will shift your mind and your energy and allow greater wealth to come into your experience. Most times, this is a learned skill, it requires study, practice and dedication to aspire and experience more. But anyone can learn it and master it. Start today, create your new visions and images of great fortunes and abundance in wealth, learn a system of creating wealth, learn by the masters, the teachers of The Secret: wealth generation is a predictable thing; learn the science to getting rich and by law you will receive it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

8 Simple Steps To Manifest Money Fast-as in NOW
By []Jeanna Gabellini

Let me start off by acknowledging that I have been flat broke before. Not just once or twice. I have had those times where I was completely stressed about how I was going to pay for the bills sitting in my payables files that were due two days ago (in some cases very past due!) I have also had times where I've had more than enough money to pay all my bills and buy boats, cars and take big vacations.
I have had both of the experiences above in a matter of weeks. I tell you all this so that I can give you some back ground about myself and that you know I'm not going to be talking in theory. I'm going to explain, very simply, what I've done to get back into alignment with creating more than enough money and how to go beyond my current level of wealth.
1. Draw a line in the sand. Make a choice. From this moment forward you will attract more money and create a structure and habits that support a new and improved level of wealth. You have to mean this. You need to be hungry for change.
2. You must believe you can do this. Even if you are scared that this time won't be different from the other times, you have made this choice. You will take some actions now that will not allow you to slip out the backdoor on yourself. Take a little bit of effort now to support yourself in the bigger goal.
3. What is it exactly that you want to be different? If you want more money to come in the door, how much and how often? Do you want an extra $10,000 this year or every month? Do you want your business to gross an extra million or net an extra million? When? This month? This year? By next year's end? You have to choose or it becomes one of those "someday" goals (aka a "wish!)If, an amount feels way to out of reach, then make it smaller. If the amount you have chosen feels too small and you'll still be wishing you had more money, than make it bigger. Most importantly, whatever amount of money you are choosing to have, mean what you say. This is so simple, but this is where most people fall down and the rest their efforts don't yield successful results.And one more thing, it's nobody else's business what numbers you choose. Some people might judge your numbers as being too small or big based on their own life. As long as you feel solid about your choice and you're not wimping out on yourself, go with it!
4. How will you spend the money? Again, this is your money and you need to be emotionally connected to it. Where is it going to go? If you are going to pay debt off, make a plan for how you will do it and then decide where the money will go once the debt is paid off. Now you have the beginnings of a plan. That was easy, huh?! If you're going to save money, how much and to where? You may have to do a little thinking and research to complete this step. If you want to expand your business with some of this extra cash, it may take you some extra planning, but you will be very excited. This excitement will help move you toward success.
5. Now, clarify and write down how this is going to feel once accomplished. I know to some of you this step will sound like a waste of your time. Do not skip this step. You want to make this goal so real in your mind and heart that you run, not walk, to more wealth. This step is crucial in both strategy and the Law of Attraction.
6. Create exact actions and habits that you will implement starting today to support this goal of more wealth. You may only need to take a few actions. This is not rocket science. For some of you, it may simply be a matter of creating accountability. You already know what to do. For some of you, it may be about creating an entire new relationship with money. I know a few of you need to quit your job or get rid of or add new team members. Yes, you may dread a couple of things on your list, but will you be happy once you do it? If the answer is yes, keep it on your list. Break down big actions into small steps so they're digestible.
7. Inspired action. Many of you have heard this a million times but you're still not practicing it. Are you taking actions that feel good? Are they someone else's "should's" or are they truly something you have chosen to do. Your intuition is talking to you. Are you listening?
8. Bring in the big guns. Who is going to support you? Are you committed enough to see this goal through? Will you trust that you will succeed even when you don't think there are any signs of improvement over a long period of time? Who is going to assist you in a way that truly works for you? Consistency is key.If you really want to have more cash in your bank account and wallet, then print this out and follow the steps in the next 24 hours. This entire process may take as little as an hour or two.Steven Callahan was lost at sea in a small raft for seventy-six days. His boat had sunk west of the Canary Islands. He was able to write his book, Adrift, only because he was committed to getting back home. It wasn't a matter of "if" he got home, he always thought about what he was going to do "when" he got home. Every action he took to keep himself alive was inspired from the passion he felt about getting home. He always found a way to eat, drink and keep his body working from his belief that he could survive at sea alone. And that he did!How passionate are you about being wealthy? Get yourself into the same frame of mind as Steven. It's not a matter of "if" you will be more prosperous, but "when." I vote on choosing it for yourself now.
Jeanna Gabellini is the Xtreme Abundance Coach. She'll give you all the tools you need to create financial wealth and prosperity with her personal coaching, tele-courses and audio products. Jeanna blends strategy, Laws of attraction and FUN to assist you in creating exactly what you want. Are you ready for Extreme Abundance? Go to [] to get your free ezine or call 707-747-0447 for more info.
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