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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Using the Law of Attraction to Bring in More Money

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Bring in More Money

Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it definitely buys our basic needs. And if our basic needs aren’t met, from buying groceries to saving for retirement, we can be overcome with despair. The number one secret to bringing in more money is not squandering more money on buying lottery tickets--it’s the law of attraction. And you already have the law of attraction harnessed within the powers of your very own mind!

The Money is in Your Mind

It’s all too easy for us to assume a “woe is me” attitude about making more money. “I’ll never make more than $100,000 a year--I don’t have a MBA!” “I’ve hit the glass ceiling. I’ve been stuck at this salary for five years!” When you think such negative thoughts, you’re putting the law of attraction in motion--to take away the very thing you want, which is more money!

Rather, you have to use the law of attraction to bring you more money! The very first step is to reprogram your mind. First of all you have to sincerely believe that you deserve to have more money. Put the law of attraction in motion by thinking positive thoughts: “I say yes to receiving more money!” “Beginning this year, I will make more than $75,000 a year!” “I am able to save at least $30,000 for retirement every year!”

The more specific your thoughts are, the more powerful the law of attraction becomes. But be careful and realistic; remember, the law of attraction can seemingly work against you, too. For example, if you say, “I will get $100,000 by the end of this week,” it might come to you by getting in a serious car accident wherein you suffer serious long-term bodily injury--but you win an insurance award! That’s too big a price to pay. Hence the saying, “Beware of what you wish!” That’s the law of attraction.

Of course, you have to back up the law of attraction with practical action, too. You can’t save $30,000 a year toward retirement if you spend all your money on the latest designer fashions, or if you don’t tuck your money away in investments to let it grow. But you also can’t depend only on practical action while completely ignoring the law of attraction and worrying about a “lack” of money--then the universe will put the law of attraction in motion to find ways to deplete your money! Utilizing the law of attraction in harmony with practical action will bring more money to you than you thought possible!

About Author

David Hooper is founder of the Guide for Living Institute, a think tank designed to help people enjoy life. His new book on Law of Attraction is available at or can be downloaded free of charge at


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